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4 mai 2012

Robert Benayoun

Robert benayoun, et moi

(en construction)

Cher Monsieur Patrick L .,<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> J’ai été très ému d’apprendre qu’un blog, ainsi qu’une page Facebook avaient été dédiés à l’acteur américain Jerry Lewis, comique notoire. J’en fais moi-même partie de la légion des fans qu’il a su conquérir à travers le monde. Je suis ravi de savoir qu’un jeune français a pris de son temps pour s’en occuper d’un blog dédié à un de mes acteurs préférés. <br /> <br /> Fan de la première heure, j’ai grandi avec ses comédies et son humour décalé qui a enchanté des générations des fans partout dans le monde. Jerry Lewis a marqué tant d’existences jusqu’à inspirer à l’écriture d’un ouvrage faisant de lui un personnage central. <br /> <br /> Je vous invite vous, ainsi que les membres de votre fan club à découvrir ce roman qui place la transmission de la passion suscitée par Jerry Lewis au premier plan d’une histoire que vous amène en voyage sur les paysages du Brésil jusqu’aux Iles du Cap Vert où des jeunes héros se résoudront, rencontrant leurs moitiés, et trouveront chacun leur salut dans la sauvegarde d’une réserve des tortues marines, non sans des rencontres inattendues avec d’autres personnages artistiques américains de renom pour se conclure sur la terre d’oncle Sam. <br /> <br /> Je vous invite ainsi à lire « Promesse et Fantaisie », un roman qui exalte une véritable passion pour l’acteur américain qui a bercé des générations entières dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Un tour dans son univers enchantant à la fois comique et décalé.<br /> <br /> Cet ouvrage signé Dias Campos, un écrivain brésilien talentueux et reconnu, est un éloge au personnage public qui encore de nos jours continue de faire rire des fans partout dans le monde. Publié en Portugais et en Anglais, il est disponible sur Amazon (USA et Brésil) sous le titre de Promise & Fantasy en Anglais, Promessas e Fantasias c’est son titre en portugais. Hélas, à ce jour il n’existe pas une version en français, toutefois pour les fans qui s’y intéresseraient, la version en anglais est facilement accessible.<br /> <br /> Je me permets de venir vers vous afin de partager ce document qui fera rêver les fans, passionnés et collecteurs de Jerry Lewis francophones dans le monde entier. <br /> <br /> En vous remerciant de votre attention, je vous prie de recevoir, mon cher Monsieur Patrick, l’expression de mes plus cordiales salutations. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
*A Tribute to Jerry Lewis inspired a Brazilian romance!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Dear friends, in March 2016, Jerry Lewis will become 90 years old!<br /> <br /> And all of us, who love him, could not overlook this date. Therefore, and with the warmth of all, I render a tribute to our idol. Do you know how? Through a novel!<br /> <br /> For this, after more than four years of hard work, Promise and fantasy has finally ended, in which the whole plot will revolve around a promise, of a gift to be delivered to the king of comedy, with the reader laughing since the first moments and weeping with emotion at the end. <br /> <br /> Considering that the tribute had no limits, I decided not only to make Jerry Lewis one of the characters of the novel, but to share it with other icons. Therefore, the following ones, among others, are also characters of this plot: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy (The Fat and the Skinny), Gene Kelly (the star of Singing in the Rain) and Cesária Évora (The Barefoot Diva).<br /> <br /> By the way, bringing up the name of Cesária Évora, I want to emphasize that seventy per cent of the novel takes place in Cabo Verde!<br /> <br /> And, in order to make the efficiency of such far-reaching project as wide as possible, I decided to make it as an e-book, and in the Portuguese and English versions, already available through<br /> <br /> The synopsis below will certainly enchant you and inspire you to devour it.<br /> <br /> Best wishes. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SYNOPSIS<br /> <br /> Being a Jerry Lewis’ fan wasn’t enough. The author needed to show him and the rest of the world the idolatry that erupted from his heart. Thence the idea of a whirlwind romance through which that feeling would become universal. It took him over four years to conclude Promise and fantasy.<br /> <br /> Five Brazilian teenagers decide to go on an unforgettable vacation. So, after spending a few days in Ceará in the northeastern part of Brazil, they intend to go to Praia, the capital city of Cape Verde. After setting foot in Praia, they want to enjoy all the delights the archipelago can make available to them. Cristiane, the most outgoing personality in the group, wants to fulfill her long-nurtured dream of meeting Cesária Évora, the Barefoot Diva, in the flesh. Then they go on a splendid cruise ship heading for South Africa, ending their trip going on ecological safaris and relishing on comfortable hotels.<br /> <br /> On arriving in Cape Verde, destiny leads them to António, a shrewd nine-year old boy, who is regarded as the best junior tourist guide in town, and the Queen of Morna, Cesária Évora’s, godson.<br /> <br /> In his pure infant soul, António has a sweetheart, Maria Cristina, who is diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, a type of cancer that is ravaging her.<br /> <br /> Maria Cristina’s grandfather, old Mr. Ibraltino, rubs off his deep admiration for Jerry Lewis on both António and his granddaughter. Feeling deeply sorry for Maria Cristina, and in an effort to cheer her up, Mr. Ibra tells them about a promise he had made: the three of will pay homage to their idol by means of a silhouette portraying Jerry Lewis’ arrival in heaven. Then they will travel to the United States and deliver it to him in person.<br /> <br /> As Maria Cristina doesn’t want her granddad to suffer, she asks António to take on Mr. Ibra’s promise furtively. On the spur of the moment, the boy assures her that he can fulfill Mr. Ibra’s promise, but later on he has serious doubts as to how and when he can achieve it. As the unfeasibility of the task dawns on him, he gets desperate. The only thing that remains for him is to pray ardently in the hope God might help him.<br /> <br /> Then, fantasy presents itself: the Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy duo come down from heaven to assist him.<br /> <br /> It is obvious that the two pseudo-heroes only means further trouble. All the same, the duo realizes that António and his Brazilian friends can help each other: the former is to grant them a meeting with Cesária Évora; the latter is to produce the silhouette and take António with them to deliver it to Jerry Lewis, as they expect their trip will end in Uncle Sam’s land.<br /> <br /> During their trip, they visit a number of exuberant and dazzling sights in Cape Verde, including the relentless and fantastic efforts to protect sea turtles; the teenagers provide romance; the mess the comedians from afterlife get into is to take place in a number of situations; other movie stars from the past, such as Gene Kelly and Pat Morita (the eternal Mr. Miyagi), will assist António; and the ship cruise won’t be the marvelous and calm trip that all passengers dreamed of, as modern pirates will disturb their peace.<br /> <br /> The epilogue counts on special guests as Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks.<br /> <br /> Will the teenagers find their soul mates? Will Maria Cristina be cured? Will António manage to fulfill his promise? This book will certainly make you laugh and move you to tears.
Hello, je recherche de 1982 6 émissions sur Jerry Lewis passées à l'époque sur Antenne 2 qui s'appelaient :"Bonjour Mr LEWIS" émission de Robert Benayoun. Merci de votre aide !
  • L'oeuvre et la carrière du génial JERRY LEWIS, vu par Patrick L. collectionneur fou du célèbre ZINZIN D'HOLLYWOOD, et créateur du premier FAN-CLUB en France (reconnu par Jerry lui-même en 1989).
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